Year 3

In Year 3, the children proudly plan their own Celebration of the Word to share with the class and, at times, the wider community including families and the Parish.

During Lent, as part of Holy Week, the children planned and shared a Celebration of the Word on Maundy Thursday with the rest of the school and invited their families in to join us in the hall. The children decided to include acting out of the Word by creating the Last Supper table with Jesus and his disciples. A child from Reception reacted to this by saying ‘I love that I could watch what was happening!’ This was a really positive part of our evaluation.


The class were proud of their Celebration of the Word with a focus on ‘to love others as I love myself’ and the children decided that their mission is to show love at home. The children shared pictures on Class Dojo of them completing this mission at home.
statement 13 dojo mission

During advent, we invited families into school to join us in the Prayer Room for a Celebration of the Word. Our mission was to share a Christmas card to express what we are thankful for and recognise the gifts that God gives us.