Catholic Life & Mission
Catholic Social Teachings
Catholic Social Teaching, calls us all as Catholics to work for the common good, help build a just society, uphold the dignity of human life and work for justice and the dignity of all our brothers and sisters, especially those in the greatest need.
What’s been happening
At Our lady of the Rosary Primary School, the children across school decided to raise money for CAFOD which is our Lenten charity chosen by the children.
Lent is a time when we pray, do kind things for other people, give up things and give to others, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter.
This Lent, we wanted to support families around the world living in poverty, especially those who do not have the basic things they need like enough nutritious food to eat.
Each year group/corridor thought of their own ways of raising money.
Together we raised a MASSIVE £1,048!
Thank you so much to all our families and friends!
The aim of our CAFOD Club was to help pupils take the lead in CST into action and supporting the Catholic life and mission of our school. This club took place every Monday after school for 4 weeks. The next scheduled CAFOD Club will run in Spring 2.
As a Catholic school we wanted to support those who are in need. We participated in the Macmillan Coffee Morning to help give back to people who are sick. In personal development each class spoke about the importance of helping and how this links to Catholic Social Teaching. The children then created their own cakes to sell at the event. Thanks to the amazing support of our families we raised £533 for charity.
A visit from Father David
Father David came into school to talk to use about his missionaries to Kenya. He founded a charity to support vulnerable people and has helped set up a hospital, many schools and provided clean drinking water to those most in need. He told us stories about the people he has helped and why it was so important to him. To help support his mission we bought prayer baskets from him for each our classrooms. The baskets have been woven by women Father David has supported and provided work for. The money we gave will go towards providing more people with healthcare and given more people an education.
Mini Vinnies
Prayer garden
Our current mission is to create our very own prayer garden. We are currently putting together our plans and looking at lots of images for inspiration.
Letters to the lonely
During one of our Mini Vinnies meetings we started to discuss how people around the world can be lonely and not have a chance to chat to others like we do each day. We then decided we could do something about that. We found a company called letters to the lonely. We then created our very own cards and wrote letters to help people around the world feel a little bit happier. We discussed how Jesus and God know all our names and its important to remind people no matter what someone is thinking of you and looking out for you.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Throughout advent we wanted to try and help people less fortunate than us. We decided a reverse advent calendar was the best way to do this. We created a presentation to show to the school to show them the importance of our mission. We linked our mission to the Catholic Social Teaching value of solidary, standing by those in need and treating them as our brothers and sisters.
Wait a minute its advent!
We couldn’t wait to be involved in the Youth Ministries Team advent celebrations. We created our own video for Wait a Minute it’s advent. We loved having time to reflect on the gospel for the day and thinking about meaning behind it. We were the 3rd Wednesday of advent and spoke all about Our Lady.
Wait a Minute it’s Advent 2023 – YouTube
Prayer Bags
Our first mission as Mini Vinnies was to create prayer bags for our local parish to share with the parishioners. We included three different prayer cards, a candle and a set of rosary beads. We discussed how we use Rosary beads to pray the Rosary. The children then took these to Father Shaun and the Chaplain at St Bedes.