Year 6

Making Periscopes to explore how light and images can be reflected.

Visit from our Parish Deacon- Deacon Neil Haggerstone.

We asked questions to find out about  the role of a Deacon in our parish. Deacon Neil explained that the key part of his role was about service to others. We were able to link this to the role given to Saint Stephen by the disciples, when he was elected as a deacon to serve and distribute food (Acts 6:1-7)


The end of SATs celebrations

Our amazing, hard-working year 6 pupils celebrated the end of their SATs today with pizza, leavers’ hoodies, cupcakes and “The Big End of SATs Quiz”. Thank you to “The Five Quarter Pub” for their pizza donations.






Click the image below to view the Year 6 prayer and worship page.

Spring 2 Homework Overviews

Number Sense – FDP Equivalents Spring 2

Spelling Overview Spring 2


Spring 1 Homework Overviews

Spelling Overview – Spring 1
Number Sense – Fractions of Amounts – Spring 1

Personal Development – January 2024

This week in our Personal Development lessons, we have been talking about ‘Pressures’.  Through dramatization, we learnt to identify spoken and unspoken pressure tricks used by people to encourage others to do things. These tricks can place positive or negative expectations upon people. We discussed ways to deal with these expectations and pressures.




Preparations for the Christmas Fair – Christmas Bark

As part of their ‘managing money lessons’, the children planned, budgeted for, made and wrapped pieces of chocolate bark to sell at the school Christmas Fair.









Mathematics -November 2023

As an introduction to our fractions unit of learning, we used garlic bread to explore equivalent fractions.


















Working in groups, the children discussed and solved a range of reasoning problems involving ratio and proportion.
























Virtual Author visit – Lindsey Galvin November 2023




















Class Newsletter Giant Pandas Autumn

Class Newsletter Snow Leopards Autumn

Homework – Autumn 2
Number sense – Autumn 2
Spelling Homework Overview Autumn 2
Homework – Autumn 1
Number sense – Autumn 1
Spelling Homework Overview Autumn 1






Academic Year 2022-2023

Summer 1

Parent Meeting Information

Class Newsletters
Snow Leopards – Mr Bowdler
Giant Pandas – Miss Riddle

Homework and Newsletter – Spring 1

Maths Homework – Fractions of Amounts

Spelling Homework – Words to Practise

Class Newsletter – Spring 1

Writing – Newspaper Reports

In Writing, we have been composing newspaper reports about a new, unexpected sighting of the Loch Ness Monster, based on a real-life discovery in 2016. Here is an example warm task paragraph from Noah, who has used subordinate clauses to show contrast, give explanations and a show a turn of events.


Personal Development – Rule of Law

In Personal Development, Year 6 have developed our understanding of law and how Government ideas become a law. We have also held class debates where we discussed whether law was the same throughout the world (and subsequent positives and negatives of this).


Science – Human Blood Model

This term’s Science work has a focus on the circulatory system. We created a model of human blood using everyday items, paying close attention to the percentages of the components.

  • Plasma (washing up liquid) – 55%
  • Red blood cells (cheerios) – 44%
  • White blood cells (parma violets) – 0.05%
  • Platelets (sprinkles) – 0.05%


Homework – Autumn 2

Maths Homework – Powers of 10

Spelling Homework – Words to Practise

Science Evolution/Natural Selection Investigation

In Science, we have been learning all about Charles Darwin’s theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. After studying a range of birds’ beaks, we decided to hold an investigation to see which kind of ‘beak’ was best. Using spoons, pegs and scissors as beaks, we attemped to move as much ‘food’ (elastic bands, paper clips, matchsticks and split pins) into our ‘stomach’ as possible, within 20 seconds.


Happy Rosh Hashanah! 

As part of our work about other faiths, last week we celebrated the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah! The children learnt about the importance of this New Year celebration for the Jewish faith. We had our own Rosh Hashanah meal with apples and honey (for a sweet new year) and bread (to symbolise the circle of life). We even had a go at some traditional Jewish dances!

Head Boy & Head Girl

After some extremely tough competition and some wonderful speeches, Willis and Faye were chosen as our Head Boy and Head Girl for 2022/23. A huge well done to them both! They will represent our school with pride, passion and positivity.

Art – Shepard Fairey

Year 6 have been looking at an artist called Shepard Fairey. He is an American street artist who created this picture of Barack Obama in 2008.

Using a limited colour palette like Fairey, the children created similar work using images of themselces. Here’s a small selection of some of our work.


Year 6 Key Information

– PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
– Kit should be brought into school in Monday and left in school until a Friday.
– PE kit consits of A plain white t-shirt, school jumper/cardigan and plain black/grey jogging bottoms or shorts.

Class Dojo
The Year 6 team (Mr Bowdler and Miss Riddle) are active on Class Dojo and always welcome messages from parents. If you have any questions or queries, please drop us a message.