Our Governing Body

Local Governing Committee

On 1st May 2019, Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School joined Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust (Companies House: 09940352).

Details regarding the Members and Directors of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust can be obtained from the BCCET website.

Our Lady of the Rosary, Peterlee and St. Mary’s, Jarrow share one Local Governing Committee.  This is made up of members of the local communities known as foundation governors, a parent governor, a staff governor and the headteacher.

The LGC meets at least twice per term.  It is responsible for many areas of school life including approving the School Improvement Plan, oversight of school policies, managing the school budget and ensuring the school has the staffing and physical resources to deliver its priorities.  The LGC also makes decisions about pupil admissions.


The Local Governing Committee operates within the BCCET Scheme of Delegation

Information about our governors:

2025-03-17 OLOTR & St Mary’s Jarrow LGC Governors who have left in the last 12 months

2025-03-14 Current Membership OLOTR & St Mary’s LGC OLOTR & St Mary’s Jarrow LGC

Attendance Register 2023-24 School Year

2024-25 OLOTR-St Mary’s Declaration of Interests

The Chair of the Local Governing Committee is Kevin Nicol, who can be contacted via the school office at:

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Westway, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 1DE