Year 2

I  try to follow our school and classroom rules

Year 2 could explain why they chose to set up their focal area in the way they did.

Hunter – We use a green cloth because it is ordinary time.

Skyla –  The Bible tells us about the good news about Jesus.

Holly – The cross reminds us that Jesus died on the cross.

Isla – We used ready, respectful and safe because these are our rules in school.

Elias – We always use a candle because Jesus is the light of the world.

I can love others as I love myself.

I can let my light shine like Jesus

We had the pleasure of our families joining us in our Celebration of the Word, where we reflected on St. John’s Gospel and the importance of letting our lights shine, just like Jesus.  The children helped to plan this celebration, which reflected on our signs and symbols of Baptism topic in RE.   It really set us up for a fantastic day! We witnessed lots of examples of the children doing great things for their friends and teachers that week, just like those identified on their brightly glowing candles.