Code of Conduct

“Do to others what you would have them do to you.” – Matthew 7:12

At Our Lady of the Rosary, we believe that every member of our school community should feel valued, respected and treated as an individual, in accordance with our school Mission Statement: “Christ at the centre, children at the heart.”

Children learn best when they feel safe, secure and happy. In our school, we strive for warmth, mutual respect and clear boundaries for behaviour. Our School Rules provide clear guidance and our day to day methods are underpinned with strategies to motivate children to develop their self-control and consideration of others. Our School rules are:

  1. Be Ready
  2. Be Respectful
  3. Be Safe

We fully accept that our children will make mistakes and at times demonstrate inappropriate behaviour. On these occasions, we will respond in a calm, consistent manner seizing the opportunity to further the child’s personal and social skills.

We want our children to:

  • Feel safe and happy all of the time
  • Develop confidence and self esteem
  • Understand and follow school rules
  • Be kind, caring and considerate to each other
  • Care for the building, equipment and community
  • Demonstrate positive learning behaviour
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour

We want all adults to show;

  • Consistent, calm, adult behaviour
  • First attention to best conduct
  • Relentless routines
  • Scripted interventions
  • Restorative follow-up

We want our parents and carers to;

  • Support the work of the school
  • Be well informed about their child’s achievement and behaviour
  • Support the school to ensure that their child adheres to school rules
  • Inform us of any circumstances which may affect their child’s learning and/or behaviour
  • Maintain regular contact with the school (school events, parents’ evenings, meetings


Bullying at Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School

What is bullying?

 Not all situations in which children and young people are involved in conflict or relationship difficulties can be understood as bullying. ‘Relational conflict’ is one way of describing such non- bullying situations.

Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.

It can be

  • Verbal
  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Online
  • Face to face
  • In school
  • Outside of school

At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary school, we adhere to the Anti-bullying Alliance 10 key principles to preventing and responding to bullying in school.